Axial boulevard with activated median
by DUBUS RICHEZ in Montpellier, France
Details   Views:  29
Data Info
City Montpellier
Country France
Program Grisettes

    -AXIAL BOULEVARD The wide boulevard connects two landmarks, the tram station with the agri-park at the other end.It forms a strong axis for the area.

  • CENTRAL MEDIAN PARK The activated median has small play parks and exercise areas along its length , forming an engaging public space.
  • CURB EXTENSION It helps narrow the crossing distance and improves visibility. Bollards & street lights further improve safety at the crossing.
  • SOFT MOBILITY The wide median is well protected from vehicular traffic by on-street parking spaces on either side. It encourages use of soft mobility.
  • HUMAN-SCALE GREENERY The central path is lined with human-scaled trees with wide canopies ,creating ample shade.

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