Multi-level Courtyard with a meadow
by KARRES EN BRANDS in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
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Data Info
City Eindhoven
Country The Netherlands
Program No program

    -MULTI-LEVEL COURTYARD The courtyard is split into two levels, with one part at the underground parking level.

  • LANDSCAPE LIGHTING Ground-mounted landscape lights illuminate the paths while not obstructing views of the courtyard
  • MEADOW LANDSCAPE Irregular paving stones are paired with a meadow landscape to create a lush green area
  • FRONT DECK Each home is provided with a wooden deck where residents have placed benches, plants etc. They are open to the courtyard, creating opportunities for interactions
  • RUSTIC MATERIALITY Facades consist of weathered brick and wood, which exude a rustic charm in the streetscape.
  • LOW-RISE The area features low-rise housing creating a sense of a close-knit community
  • PEDESTRIAN-FRIENDLY The pedestrian courtyard is located at the ground floor and is accessible from the road, while parking is planned underground

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