Guangming Hub TOD
by FOSTER + PARTNERS in Shenzhen, China
Details   Views:  101
Data Info
City Shenzhen
Country China
Year 2020
Program Transit Oriented Development
Technical Info
Site area 1405024 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    Transit-Oriented Development and Connectivity


  • The project is a transit-oriented development centered around a high-speed rail link, designed as a walkable, sustainable smart city.
  • To enhance connections with the surrounding areas, skybridges for slow autonomous vehicles and cycling paths have been introduced, prioritizing pedestrian movement while integrating modern transport technology.

    Landscape Design and Green Spaces


  • The area is planned as a forested gateway into Shenzhen, with a landscape design that complements the natural surroundings in and around the site.
  • A green spine crosses the site from East to West, intersecting with the North-South high-speed railway station.

    Future-Ready Transport and Mobility


  • The plan is future-ready, anticipating upcoming innovations in transport, such as autonomous vehicles, while ensuring that wayfinding and minimum walking distances prioritize human mobility.
  • Retail spaces are integrated atop the transit stations, with stepped green terraces offering views of the surrounding forests and the central green spine.

    Architectural and Urban Design Features


  • Four office towers are strategically located at the cardinal points of the site, symbolizing gateways seen in traditional Chinese cities.
  • At the ground level, these towers provide access to the transport hub, integrating the office spaces with the high-speed railway station.

    Sponge City and Sustainability


  • The project incorporates the principles of Sponge City, promoting the use of natural features like landscaping and bio-retention to manage urban drainage sustainably, reducing flood risks.
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