Old is gold in this neighbourhood with its recycled brick facades and upcycled footbridges
by LENDAGER GROUP in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Data Info
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Year 2019
Program Residential development

The Resource Rows is using upcycled bricks and waste wood, a recycled concrete beam used as a bridge, and old windows and waste wood as rooftop community gardens huts with an atmosphere of allotment gardens.

A significant and innovative concept is to reuse brick facades from abandoned structures in the new building, saving as much as 29% CO2 by upcycling only 10% of all building materials.

Moreover, the Resource Rows gives the possibility of a sustainable and inclusive lifestyle. The common courtyard has a storage space, where the residents pass on things that they do not use themselves, and the green roof terraces with cozy garden pavilions are great places to meet.

With a strong focus on limiting CO2 emissions both during the construction itself and in the operation of the homes, the Resource Rows gives as a leading source of inspiration for the construction industry.

The street is base on this masterplan
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